Welcome to Youth Sports!
Youth sports are a firmly established part of societies around the world, and they directly touch the lives of millions of children, adolescents, and adults. Research has shown that parents and coaches not only influence children’s socialization into sport, but they have a profound impact on the consequences that occur. Thus, the Focus on Development of young athletes is the primary goal of all the publications on this website.
The publications on this website feature the work of Dr. Frank Smoll, a pioneering sport psychologist, whose research focused squarely on what is known about youth sports based on empirical evidence regarding youngsters’ psychological and physical development.
We are currently featuring Dr. Smoll's new publication, Sports and Your Young Athlete. We are also offering parents a unique option, the Mastery Approach to Parenting in Sports video.
Flexible Product Offerings for Parents and League Adminstrators! Check out these options.