Are Sport Stars Good Role Models?
Posted by Dr. Frank Smolll on 3rd Mar 2025
Qualities that make an athlete a good role model.
- Role models can have a significant impact on youngsters’ development.
- In modern society, star athletes serve as role models for children and adolescents.
- Athletes who are good role models have several positive characteristics.
“If you are given the opportunity to be a role model, I think you should take it because you can influence a person’s life in a positive light.”
Tiger Woods, Professional Golf Champion, Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient
What is a role model and what effects do role models have?
The Random House Dictionary defines role model as “a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially younger people.” Accordingly, a brain surgeon or airline pilot can be a role model for similarly motivated boys and girls. Role models may have a considerable impact on a person’s values, education, and chosen training objectives. For example, they have been shown to have significant effects on female students’ self-confidence in pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) fields.
What about sport stars as role models?
There’s a history of speculation and argument about athletes taking on the status of role models. In 1993, Nike ran a ground-breaking TV commercial from early April through the end of the NBA playoffs. The ad featured Charles Barkley proclaiming “I am not a role model.” At the time, he was a superstar hoopster for the Phoenix Suns, and his comment generated quite a stir, as he staunchly defended his position.
What was so controversial about what “Sir Charles” said?
He emphasized that athletes’ ability to make baskets or catch touchdown passes has nothing to do with being a role model. That is, having sporting ability doesn’t automatically qualify a person to be a role model. Rather, Barkley believed that’s a job for parents. I agree and would include teachers and coaches who spend a huge amount of time with kids and influence their upbringing and future success.
Like it or not, our society has a strong dependence on athletes as role models for children and adolescents.
Athletes are role models whether or not they choose to take on the responsibility, and whether they are good or bad role models. But athlete “hero worship” wasn’t always as prevalent as it is today. There was a time when others served as America’s role models (civic leaders, clergy, legal and medical experts, etc.). It might be argued that the shift reflects decay in our nation’s moral standards.
On the other hand, some exceptional athletes have important messages for their fans. For example, former heavyweight boxing champ Lennox Lewis made a significant contribution to youngsters’ understanding of appropriate masculine behavior, when he made a public service announcement that “Real men don’t hit women.” The point is clear: Athletes have an incredible opportunity to use their celebrity power to positively influence the next generation.
What are the qualities that make an athlete a good role model?
- Enthusiastic about being a role model. The athlete welcomes the platform for promoting positive societal change—a willing crusader for good.
- Altruistic mission. The athlete uses the position to share messages of inspiration and hope—a selfless drive to benefit others.
- Makes a commitment to behaving in ways that reflect high moral values. The athlete acts in ways that support personal integrity.
- Presents oneself in a realistic and responsible manner. “I’m not a role model because I’m famous, but because I’m a great person.” The athlete also helps fans realize that they aren’t perfect. After all, role models are only people with weaknesses and flaws. They’re not immaculate idols.
- Freely devotes time and energy to community activities. The athlete makes appearances at neighborhood events, serves on local boards, works with charity organizations, etc.
- Champions a mastery goal orientation. The athlete focuses on personal effort and accomplishments instead of making comparisons with others. In a sense, mastery-oriented people compare themselves with themselves. They can feel success and satisfaction when they have learned something new, seen skill improvement in themselves, or given maximum effort. Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden captured the essence of a mastery orientation in his famous definition of success: “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable.”
- Possesses a keen sense of empathy. The athlete the capacity to share or recognize emotions experienced by others. Empathy involves putting yourself in other people’s shoes and seeing how much you can truly understand them. It includes caring for others and having a desire to help them. Empathy motivates pro-social behavior designed to aid in solving communal challenges. As emphasized by Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, “When you show empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That’s when you can get more creative in solving problems.”
- Displays a healthy balance between striving for excellence and having fun in the process. The athlete promotes the virtues of working hard to achieve goals and the importance of enjoying the journey.
Some final words of caution are warranted.
Youngsters who believe their sport heroes are the most fantastic people in the world and can do no wrong are vulnerable to disappointment. Why? Because examples of fallen stars are many, such as Alex Rodriguez and Lance Armstrong who admitted to the use of performance enhancing drugs. When a revered athlete goes astray, it can create disillusionment and even trauma. So, here’s the bottom line: Kids shouldn’t be allowed to become too attached to athletes as role models.
Do you want to learn more about parenting young athletes?
- Sports and Your Young Athlete is an eBook that provides comprehensive information and practical guidelines to assist readers in carrying out their roles as well-informed sport parents.
- The Mastery Approach to Parenting in Sports is a video that complements the eBook. Both of them emphasize “Developing Champions in Sports and Life.”
- The eBook and video are available on this website.